How to Create a Custom Email Address With Black Friday Sales Web Hosting

Hey there, it’s Carson from Black Friday Sales! Today, I want to let you in on a little secret: how to create a custom email address with our hosting service. Trust me, it’s a game-changer for your business or personal blog!

How to Create a Custom Email Address With Black Friday Sales Web Hosting
How to Create a Custom Email Address With Black Friday Sales Web Hosting

Why You Need a Custom Email Address

Sure, you already have an email account, but here’s the thing: having a custom email address with Black Friday Sales takes your brand to the next level! Instead of a generic email like or, imagine having an email address like It oozes professionalism and boosts your brand’s credibility. Trust me, it’s a fantastic feeling!

Let’s Get Started

Now that you’re on board with having a custom email address, let me walk you through the process step by step. Trust me, it’s as easy as pie!

Step 1: Access the Email Creation Ability

To get started, log in to your Black Friday Sales dashboard. Once logged in, navigate to the side menu and look for the “Email and Office” button. Click on it to access the email creation ability.

Step 2: Create Your Email Account

Once you’re on the email creation page, click on the “Email Accounts” option. This will bring up a feature that allows you to create and manage your email accounts. From there, you can customize your username (e.g., and set your password. You’ll also have the option to choose the storage space for your email account.

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Step 3: Connect Your Devices

After creating your custom email account, you can easily connect it to your devices. Black Friday Sales provides auto-configuration options for various mail clients, such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Mail for Windows 10. Just follow the instructions specific to your chosen mail client, and you’ll be up and running in no time. And don’t worry, if you encounter any hiccups, our top-notch customer support is always here to assist you.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it! Creating a custom email address with Black Friday Sales is a breeze. It not only adds a professional touch to your business but also ensures consistency and brand identity. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below, and I’ll be happy to help.

Remember, you can find more detailed information and take advantage of special discounts by visiting Black Friday Sales. Thanks for tuning in, and have a fantastic day!

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